Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young: see that they look up to you because you are an example of believers in your speech and behavior, in your love and faith and sincerity.
I Timothy 4:12
Youth are not only the Church of tomorrow, they are the Church of today!
Both Junior and Senior High Youth have active roles in worship and participate in Spiritual Formation classes, service projects, district events and special clubs that meet outside of worship.
Sunday morning Faith Formation Classes for youth are led by adult teams presenting topics of interest to teens and leading them to explore new ways of interpreting the Bible for their lives. Many topic ideas are generated by the students themselves.
Junior Youth (grades 6 to 8) Regular Sunday morning classes will resume in the fall.
Senior High Youth (grades 9 to 12) Regular Sunday morning classes will resume in the fall.
Click here to find upcoming youth events!
If you have any questions, please contact Jason Haldeman, Pastor of Faith Formation.