At the recommendation of the Climate Crisis Action Committee (CCAC) of Etown CoB, the Witness Commission, and Church Board have agreed to support joining Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light (Pa IPL), centered in Lewisburg, PA. This will permit our church to have access to educational events, action opportunities, and up-to-date information about impending state and national legislative efforts, centered on the threat of the climate crisis.
Pa IPL is a community of congregations, faith-based organizations, and individuals of faith, responding to the climate crisis as an ethical and moral issue through advocacy, education, energy conservation, energy efficiency, stewardship, and the use and promotion of clean, renewable energy. Pa IPL is the Pennsylvania affiliate of Interfaith Power and Light (IPL), a national religious response to the threat of climate change. The member churches come to this work from different spiritualities and faith traditions, learning and supporting one another in making a better future for generations to come.
Our church is not new to IPL. Hannah Shultz from Georgia Interfaith Power and Light was featured in our Adult Faith Formation session on May 23. The Climate Crisis Action Committee will use information from Pa IPL to alert our congregation about events with which our congregants may wish to get involved. The CCAC bulletin board in the narthex will be one source you are encouraged to view for this information. Additional methods for distributing information may be used in the future as well. Everyone may find information at Pa IPL website at
If anyone is interested in working with the CCAC at our church, you are encouraged to contact Damon Wagner Fields, or Beth or Kurt DeGoede. We are looking for additional members as we work to educate ourselves and become actively involved with correcting climate change.
Submitted by Paul Brubaker, Climate Crisis Action Committee