What do you do when life really throws a curve ball? In my life I’ve had these support women and for many years all their names began with the letter “M” (I have no idea why). I can tick them off, women who have been there to help me through some tough times, at just the critical time I’ve needed them. I’ve always thought of them as gifts from the Universe.
I can’t help but think of Ukraine when I think of an entire people being besieged by enemies and burdens and just wanting this to end. Enough already! I’m sure they are heartened by support from people around the world but that doesn’t stop the shelling, or fill your children’s bellies, or turn on the water and electricity. Peoples all over the world deal with with violence, bigotry, hatred, pestilence and other terrible burdens. It does help to know that others are with you and on your side, but the daily slog of fear and pain isn’t alleviated by good thoughts. I would be asking what is the hold up? Why do we need to wait for help? Is there some purpose in that? We can’t really know that answer, but I’ll bet the Hebrews were thinking that too.
Wiltchek talks about “the spirt is eager, but the flesh is weak” and that makes me think of another adage “when you pray, move your feet” or the saying attributed to Confucius: ““A man who waits for a roast duck to fly into his mouth must wait a very long time.” Perhaps whatever we are praying for we need to make some movement towards as our part. Those friends who were there to help me, weren’t just thinking of me, they were moving their feet. So as we pray for others, we move our feet too. That is something I see happening all the time in this congregation. People reaching out to care for each other and the wider community. You should be proud of the quiet way in which you help the world and each other. Perhaps the means to deal with the suffering in the world is people. Perhaps we are God’s support system. Linda Hope
I appreciate those words from Confucius. That's rather a comical vision to portray an important truth.
Your thoughts are so uplifting, Linda! You are motivating me to put some action to my feelings about injustice. I thought of the transgender community when I was reading the verses. Trans people have become a target of much hatred. What am I doing to help the transgender people and their cause, their right to be treated as the human individuals they are?