I am feeling convicted by Wiltschek’s questions in his last paragraph of today’s entry. Is the Good News of Christ “just bursting to come out” of me? While I treasure my relationship with Christ and feel it is a driving force in my life, I think I am rather quiet with my testimony, not talking about it much unless it happens to be part of the conversation already. Are my life choices a strong enough testimony to draw others to Christ? Should I be sharing more often with words? I wouldn’t want to offend anyone. Hmmmm . . .
Once at a Christian marriage seminar, I heard an interesting story about sharing our faith. Couple A was relating that Couple B, friends of theirs for several years, had invited them over for a social evening. When Couple A arrived, Couple B was very excited, “just bursting” with excitement to share that they had both recently come to know the Lord and entered into a personal relationship with Him. They felt their lives had changed, and they were filled with such hope and joy that they wanted to share that wonderful opportunity with their friends. In response, Couple A said that they understood this was good news and that they were already Christians. Couple B was stunned. “You mean you knew about this, and you never told us?!!”
How many people do I come into contact with who could benefit from the Good News of Christ? Well, all of them! Even those who already know Christ can benefit from hearing good news. This entry prompts me to pray for wisdom so that I can be an appropriate and welcoming sharer of The Good News.