I have sometimes felt frustrated with people who passively “wait for the Lord” to fix their problems without taking any available action toward solving the difficulties themselves. Here are some examples that come to mind:
Instead of seeking a new job after being downsized, a person inactively waits and expects God to bring an employment opportunity to him.
Instead of seeking medical care for a loved one, a person expects God to miraculously heal the ailing.
Instead of seeking financial guidance to climb out of debt, a person expects that “God will take care of me.”
Not only do those people put themselves and their families at risk, but they also seem to think they can dictate to God what He should do.
While prayer is always a good idea, I think we are responsible for doing what we can, also. I realize that sometimes situations and solutions are totally out of our control, and praying for God to “take care of me” is the only option there is. An important part of faith is being willing to rely on God. I believe God does step in with miracles at times. But, I also see that God has given us abilities and resources to help others and ourselves. When we disregard those gifts and talents, I think we are being ungrateful and wasteful with what God has given us.
The hymn, “Move in Our Midst,” which Wiltschek mentions in the devotional, really speaks to me. Let’s get the lead out and git ‘er done!
Amen, Sister!
I'm with you, Ellen. I think of the notion that we are God's hands and feet here on earth and how it applies to our individual lives as well as to the bigger issues facing this world. I'm also reminded of the truth in the joke about the man caught in a flood who rejected help from two boats and a helicopter because he had called on God to save him. When he drowned, he asked God why God hadn't rescued him, only to hear that God had sent the boats and the helicopters and expected the man would gratefully take the help.
If God is in each of us, then God is providing the help we need as we work together to do what needs to be done.