The devotional author has a much more romanticized and peaceful view of barns than I do from my life experience, in which the barn was a busy place of purpose. But I appreciate her perspective.
I'm reminded of a current LLBean commercial in which a man leaves the bustle of a family gathering for a breath of peace outside. Again, there's a person with a different view from mine, this time he likes being outside on a cold winter night instead of inside, cozy with family.
Isn't it great that we have the choice to pursue the pleasures that work for us to bring us a sense of peace?
Where do you find the spirit of peace?
Linking with the author's writing Mark remembers one of his visits to Algeria as an NGO manager. He felt he had gone back to the days of the Early Church. Small church groups met in a barn/garage/cellar and held much in community. The whole experience was very moving.